The Impact of Vacation Bible School on the Local Church

Pastor Victoria Sowell

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a summer tradition in many churches, aimed at providing kids with a fun and creative way to learn about the Bible and build relationships. For some, it conjures up fond memories of childhood, while others may question its relevance or even be unfamiliar with the concept.

What Is the Purpose of VBS?

The core purpose of Vacation Bible School is straightforward: it’s about ministering to children within the church, reaching out to the surrounding community, and creating opportunities for evangelism. This mission is supported through a combination of Bible study, engaging activities, worship, and, of course, snacks.

VBS as a Dependable Ongoing Ministry

For 95 years, Lifeway has provided trusted VBS resources to churches, impacting more than 25,000 churches and over 3 million people annually. Despite being a short-term event, typically spanning five days, VBS has the potential to yield long-term benefits. Connections made during this time can lead to salvations, the discovery of new church prospects, and potential volunteers for other children’s programs.

Key Benefits:

  • Unforgettable experiences

  • Long-term results from short-term events

  • Discovery of new church prospects

  • Potential for long-term volunteer engagement

Creating Lasting Memories

One of the unique strengths of VBS is its ability to create lasting memories that help embed Bible truths in a child's heart and mind. Much like themed birthday parties, VBS uses creativity, games, food, and decorations to create a memorable and engaging experience. These elements work together to help biblical truths resonate with children on a deeper level.

Why Memories Matter:

  • Themes evoke excitement and engagement

  • Activities reinforce biblical truths

  • Positive experiences strengthen church connections

Sharing the Gospel Intentionally

VBS is a powerful evangelistic tool. The curriculum is designed to lay down foundational truths that help kids understand who Jesus is and why they need a Savior. The relationships built with children and their families during VBS provide numerous opportunities to demonstrate and share the love of Jesus.

Evangelism through VBS:

  • Intentional sharing of the gospel

  • Foundational biblical teachings

  • Opportunities for deeper relationships and discussions

Customizing VBS to Fit Your Church

One of the most appealing aspects of VBS is its flexibility. Churches can tailor the program to suit their specific needs and contexts, whether it's an on-campus event or a community-centered Backyard Kids Club. Some churches even do both, using on-campus resources to extend their reach into the community or on mission trips.

Customization Options:

  • On-campus or off-campus settings

  • Adaptable to different community needs

  • Flexibility in naming and branding

Benefits of VBS to the Church and Community

Building Strong Church Communities

VBS isn’t just about the kids; it also strengthens the church community. By involving volunteers in a specific, manageable commitment, it ignites the imagination and engagement of the entire congregation. It fosters a sense of community and shared purpose as everyone works together to create a successful event.

Community Building:

  • Engages volunteers

  • Fosters a sense of shared purpose

  • Strengthens church unity

Developing Future Church Leaders

Many volunteers start their journey with VBS, feeling called to serve for "just one week," only to discover a long-term passion for working with children. VBS can be a stepping stone for future church leaders and workers, nurturing their gifts and callings in a supportive environment.

Leadership Development:

  • Identifies and nurtures potential leaders

  • Encourages long-term commitment to ministry

  • Provides a platform for discovering gifts and callings

Enhancing Outreach Efforts

VBS is an excellent way to reach out to the community, welcoming children and families who might not otherwise attend church. This outreach can lead to increased church attendance and involvement as families see the love and care extended to their children.

Outreach Benefits:

  • Attracts new families to the church

  • Demonstrates the church’s commitment to the community

  • Provides a non-threatening introduction to church life

Strengthening Evangelistic Impact

The structured yet flexible nature of VBS allows for a focused evangelistic approach. By sharing the gospel in a fun and engaging way, churches can make a significant impact on the spiritual lives of children and their families.

Evangelistic Impact:

  • Focused gospel presentation

  • Engaging and fun methods

  • Significant spiritual impact

Practical Tips for a Successful VBS

Planning and Preparation

Successful VBS programs begin with thorough planning and preparation. This includes selecting a theme, organizing activities, recruiting volunteers, and promoting the event to the community. The more detailed the planning, the smoother the execution will be.

Planning Steps:

  • Choose a relevant and engaging theme

  • Organize activities and schedules

  • Recruit and train volunteers

  • Promote the event through various channels

Engaging Activities and Themes

Themed activities are central to VBS, providing a cohesive and exciting experience for the children. These activities should be designed to reinforce biblical teachings while keeping the kids engaged and entertained.

Activity Ideas:

  • Bible story reenactments

  • Themed crafts and games

  • Interactive worship sessions

  • Fun and educational snacks

Volunteer Management

Volunteers are the backbone of any successful VBS. Proper management, including clear communication, training, and support, ensures that volunteers are equipped to provide the best experience for the children.

Volunteer Tips:

  • Communicate roles and expectations clearly

  • Provide training and resources

  • Offer support and encouragement

  • Recognize and appreciate their efforts

Follow-Up and Ongoing Engagement

After the VBS event, it's crucial to follow up with the children and families who participated. This can include sending thank-you notes, inviting them to future church events, and providing resources for continued spiritual growth.

Follow-Up Actions:

  • Send personalized thank-you notes

  • Invite families to regular church services

  • Provide resources for ongoing engagement

  • Maintain relationships through regular communication

Further Reading

For those interested in exploring more about the impact and implementation of VBS, here are some recommended resources:

Join Us

For each Sunday in July, View Kids will be enjoying Group 2024 Outback Rock VBS during our service times, 9am and 10:30am. Kids will receive free shirts, learn more about God as our solid rock, and will perform a song in front of families and friends at the end of the month. This is a great outreach and discipleship opportunity. We can’t wait! More details here.


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