Next Gen
Birth - 5th Grade
View Kids exists to see young lives won by God’s love.
Upstairs Nursery: Infants and Crawlers, Ages 0-1
Downstairs Runners: Ages 2-3
Downstairs Pre-K: Ages 4-5 and Kindergarten
Downstairs Elementary: 1st-5th grade
*We also provide a Family Room upstairs for nursing and changing diapers.
First time? When arriving on Sunday, find a volunteer with a View Kids or Serve Team lanyard and let them know you’re new! They will make sure you find View Kids Check-In.
Plan Your Visit –– Skip the line and pre-register your child now.
Sabrina Harmon
Nursery-Pre-K, Curriculum, Scheduling
Anna Mobley
Elementary, Events, Communications, Family Care
6th - 12th Grade
View Youth is a space where young people can come to find community, grow in their faith, have fun, and most importantly connect with God.
Our middle school students are invited to a middle school class on Sunday mornings during the the 10:30am service. They will get to engage with the Bible, prayer and fun in community.
High School students are encouraged to participate in our main services on Sundays at 9:00am or 10:30am.
Sunday night services are designed for Middle and High school students. They will learn about and experience the love of Jesus and grow in their faith. Students will worship together, hear a biblical message, share in small groups and play fun games!