Every Moment Matters: Finding God in the Ordinary

Pastor Rachel Arneson

Many of us believe in a God who can do the impossible, who calls us to walk in boldness and faith through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. There are certainly times when life feels significant and we sense His presence deeply. But what about the in-between? The everyday, mundane aspects of life? Click the link above for the full message.

Understanding the Ordinary

In our daily lives, it’s easy to separate the spiritual from the ordinary. We attend church, pray, and listen to worship music, but then switch back to "normal" life for the rest of the week. Many Christians worry they're missing something, oscillating between spiritual highs and feeling apathetic or disconnected. This struggle is common, but there's an important truth to remember: in Christ, every moment matters.

Cultural Myths About Life

Our culture often dictates how we perceive our lives. Society emphasizes a flashy, epic, and fast-paced existence, urging us to do more and be more. Movies, for example, condense extraordinary events into a couple of hours, leaving us yearning for that kind of excitement in our own lives. But real life isn't always thrilling. We might spend so much time criticizing ourselves or fantasizing about a different life that we forget to appreciate the one Jesus has given us.

Common Misconceptions

Many Christians fall into certain misconceptions about their lives. One myth is that parts of our lives are disconnected from our relationship with God. We might see our spiritual life as separate from our daily activities, but God created us as holistic beings—every part of our lives matters to Him.

Another misconception is that the church is more important than our workplaces or homes. However, God's presence isn't confined to a church building. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross grants us access to God's presence wherever we are.

Some people believe that only the big moments in their lives matter to God. Yet, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches that God cares deeply about the small things, like the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. If God values these, how much more does He care about our everyday lives?

Biblical Perspective on Ordinary Life

Scripture is full of ordinary people living ordinary lives who were used by God in extraordinary ways. We read about the highlights of their faith journeys, but we often forget the mundane aspects of their lives. Abraham, Esther, Paul, and Peter all had seasons of waiting and doing everyday tasks. God is present in these ordinary moments, just as He is during significant spiritual experiences.

Jesus' Everyday Life

The life of Jesus offers a profound example of finding meaning in the ordinary. In John 15, Jesus speaks to His disciples about abiding in Him. He invites us to remain in Him, just as a branch remains in the vine. This abiding relationship means staying close to Jesus, drawing life from Him, and living out our identity as beloved children of God.

Jesus’ identity as God's beloved Son was central to His life and ministry. He lived out of this identity daily, finding value and purpose in every moment. We, too, are called to live in this way, abiding in Christ and allowing His presence to infuse our everyday lives.

Walking with Jesus Daily

Walking with Jesus means abiding in Him, staying close, and being present with Him daily. This relationship shapes our identity and influences every aspect of our lives. Like a vine grafted into the branch, we draw life and sustenance from Jesus. This ongoing relationship is the essence of discipleship—learning to live our lives as Jesus would if He were in our place.

Living a Fruitful Life

Jesus desires our lives to be fruitful, producing the fruit of the Spirit through our relationship with Him. Fruitfulness comes not from striving on our own, but from abiding in Christ and allowing Him to work in us. Ephesians 2:8-10 reminds us that we are saved by grace, created for good works that God prepared for us. Fruitfulness also involves pruning—removing anything that hinders our growth.

Pruning is essential for spiritual health, just as it is for a plant. God lovingly removes things from our lives that are harmful or unproductive, enabling us to thrive. This process can be challenging, but it is a sign of His care and desire for our well-being.

Embracing Joy

Jesus wants us to experience His joy fully. In John 15:11, He says, "I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!" Jesus, the most joyful person to ever live, invites us to share in this joy. It's not merely a fleeting emotion but a deep-seated perspective on life that transcends circumstances.

Joy comes from abiding in Jesus, living in His presence, and embracing His love. It transforms how we see our daily lives, enabling us to find joy even in the mundane and challenging moments. When we walk with Jesus joyfully, every moment matters, and we can reflect His love and light to the world.

The Sacredness of Ordinary Life

Jesus' life exemplifies the sacredness of ordinary moments. Though He spent 30 years in relative obscurity, His everyday actions were part of God's redemptive plan. Jesus' ordinary years remind us that our daily lives, with all their routines and challenges, are valuable and significant.

God meets us in our real lives, not in an imagined ideal. Jesus' redemption covers our entire existence—our spirits, minds, bodies, relationships, and daily activities. Every moment is an opportunity to experience His love and grace.

Practical Steps to Abiding

  1. Daily Prayer and Scripture Reading: Start your day by connecting with Jesus through prayer and reading the Bible.

  2. Mindfulness and Gratitude: Practice being present in each moment and express gratitude for the small blessings in life.

  3. Community and Fellowship: Surround yourself with fellow believers who can encourage and support your walk with Jesus.

  4. Service and Generosity: Look for opportunities to serve others and demonstrate God's love in practical ways.

  5. Rest and Reflection: Take time to rest and reflect on God's goodness and faithfulness in your life.

Call to Action

Reflect on your own life and consider how you can invite Jesus into your ordinary moments. Recognize that every moment matters to God, and He desires to walk with you daily, fruitfully, and joyfully. Embrace the sacredness of your everyday life and let Jesus transform it with His presence and love. May you find the beauty and significance in every moment of your life, knowing that in Christ, every moment matters.

Further Reading


How to Get Your Hope Back


Small Steps with Jesus: Embracing Trust and Obedience