How to Get Your Hope Back

Pastor Cody Whittington

Feeling like you've lost hope can be an overwhelming experience. Many people in today's society grapple with feelings of meaninglessness and despair. This article explores ways to reignite hope, drawing on key biblical insights. Click the link above for the full message.

The Journey to Emmaus: An Illustration of Hopelessness

The Road of Disappointment

The story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35 perfectly captures a journey from despair to hope. These disciples were devastated by the crucifixion of Jesus. They had left their lives behind to follow Him, expecting Him to be the savior, only to find themselves facing what they thought was a tragic end. Their walk to Emmaus symbolizes a retreat into hopelessness.

Recognizing Our Own Emmaus

Emmaus can represent any place or situation where hope seems lost. It's crucial to identify our personal Emmaus moments. Whether it's a job loss, a broken relationship, or a personal failure, recognizing these places is the first step in the journey back to hope.

Jesus Walks With Us No Matter What

Invisible Companionship

One of the most comforting aspects of the Emmaus story is that Jesus walks with the disciples even though they don't recognize Him. This highlights the truth that Jesus is with us, even when we feel abandoned or hopeless. He listens to our grievances and meets us in our despair.

Honesty About Our Hopelessness

We often feel pressured to mask our hopelessness, but the story encourages honesty. Jesus asks the disciples what they are discussing, prompting them to express their true feelings. This act of confession is not for Jesus' benefit, but for the disciples' healing.

Rethinking Our Stories

The Challenge to Our Perceptions

As Jesus walks with the disciples, He challenges their understanding of recent events. They had hoped for a messianic conqueror who would overthrow the Romans, but Jesus redirects them to see that suffering was necessary for His victory over sin, death, and Satan.

The Irony of Expectations

When the disciples express their disappointment, they inadvertently insult Jesus by asking if He is the only one unaware of what has happened. Jesus' response is not anger but an invitation to rethink their expectations. This teaches us that when we feel let down by Jesus, it’s an opportunity to reevaluate our understanding and expectations of Him.

Finding Living Hope

Re-energizing in Intimate Moments

The disciples’ hope is rekindled during an intimate meal with Jesus. This underscores the importance of spending personal, quality time with Him. The most profound encounters often occur in quiet, reflective settings.

Emptying Ourselves for Renewal

The disciples were physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted. This state of being "poor in spirit" is where God often meets us. In moments of emptiness, acknowledging our need for Jesus opens us up to be filled with living hope.

Practical Steps to Renew Hope

Honesty in Prayer and Community

Engage in open and honest prayer, sharing your deepest fears and disappointments with Jesus. Involving a trusted community in your journey can provide support and perspective.

Rethinking Through Scripture

Spend time in Scripture to gain a renewed understanding of God's promises and character. Reflect on passages that speak of hope and victory, allowing them to reshape your narrative.

Seeking Intimate Moments with Jesus

Slow down and create space for intimate moments with Jesus. This could be through personal devotions, quiet walks, or simple, undistracted time in His presence. These moments can rejuvenate your spirit and restore hope.

By embracing honesty, rethinking our stories through the lens of Jesus' truth, and seeking intimate moments with Him, we can find the living hope that rejuvenates our spirits and guides us through life's challenges.

Further Reading

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Love God + Love People: A Life-Changing Command


Every Moment Matters: Finding God in the Ordinary