Navigating Life and Faith Through Adoption: Brent and Emily's Story

Pastor Kara Veach

Testimonies are beautiful pictures of the workings of God in other people’s stories. The story of Brent and Emily and the growing of their family is no different. During our Mother’s Day service in 2024, we had the opportunity to share the story of how these two have navigated some of the highest highs and lowest lows placing their hope and faith in Jesus and their call to adopt. Check out the video above to see their full story and listen to a Q&A following. Below is a quick overview of what they shared with us.

Finding a Path to Parenthood

Brent and Emily's journey to parenthood is a testament to the power of faith, resilience, and love. The couple's path wasn't straightforward; it was woven through with hopes, delays, and divine moments that highlighted both their individual desires and their shared commitment to adopt. From early on, Brent was influenced by his grandparents, who had expanded their family through adoption. This experience instilled in him a lifelong desire to provide a loving home to children in need. Emily, initially uncertain about having children, was drawn to Brent's passion and clarity about his life's direction, which ultimately shaped their mutual decision to pursue adoption.

Their adventure began with a decision to explore domestic adoption after a serendipitous encounter at a parade, which Emily heard clearly from God as a sign to proceed with a particular agency. This encounter was not just a coincidence but a pivotal moment that set them on their path to adoption.

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Adoption

Adoption is a journey filled with highs and lows, and for Brent and Emily, this was profoundly true. Their initial excitement turned into heartbreak when the first birth mother they were matched with gave birth to a baby girl. After a complicated pregnancy, the baby spent time in the hospital as Brent and Emily traveled to Georgia with a carseat and all the baby things to receive their baby. During the time the baby was at the hospital, the birth mother decided to parent her child. Although this was heartbreaking for Brent and Emily, they were supportive that it is ideal for birth mothers to be able to raise their children. The complexities of adoption laws, which allow birth parents a period to reconsider their decision after giving birth, were a harsh reality that Brent and Emily had to face. This period of uncertainty tested their resolve and faith, pushing them to question and seek deeper into their spirituality and purpose.

Despite these challenges, their story progressed with renewed hope when they received another call about a baby boy due to be born in February 2020. This time, they navigated the emotional waiting period with more resilience, drawing strength from their faith and the belief that God's plan for them was unfolding.

The Joy of Growing a Family

The arrival of their son, Memphis Mercury, marked a new chapter in Brent and Emily's lives. The challenges they faced did not diminish the joy of finally holding their child. The waiting period brought along a lot of the fears of the past adoption, but God brought a peace in the midst of tearful moments that allowed them to place their new son in God’s hand at each step of the journey.

A few months later, the family grew again with the addition of another boy, Ziggy, further fulfilling their dreams and enriching their lives. These experiences underscored a significant theme in their journey: the notion of children as gifts from God, only in their lives for as long as He allows.

Their story, though marked by personal dreams and a calling to adopt, resonates with universal themes of faithfulness, perseverance, and the joys that come from staying true to one’s convictions. Brent and Emily's narrative is a powerful reminder of the impact of love and the belief in a higher plan, which can guide one through the most challenging times.

Seeing God's Hand in Their Journey

Throughout their adoption process, Brent and Emily witnessed numerous 'God moments'—instances where divine intervention seemed evident. From unexpected encounters that led them to their adoption agency to the supportive community at their church, these moments were affirmations that they were not alone in their journey. The couple's faith was a continual source of strength, helping them navigate the uncertainties of adoption and the heartaches of setbacks including being matched with two other babies they never got to take home.

Lessons in Faith and Love

The couple's experience highlights several key lessons in navigating life's challenges with faith. They learned to trust in a plan greater than their own and found that resilience could be fortified through faith. Their story is a testament to the idea that while the path to fulfilling one’s dreams can be fraught with trials, persistence and faith can lead to profound joy and fulfillment.

Further Reading

For those inspired by Brent and Emily's journey and interested in exploring more about faith, waiting on God, and adoption, consider these resources:

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